Phomemo Membership

1. What is Phomemo Membership?

Phomemo Membership is our rewards program where customers earn points on purchases at Members can redeem points for exclusive rewards, discounts, and special perks. It's completely free to join and our way of thanking you for being part of the Phomemo family.

2. How do I join Phomemo Membership?

Simply register for a Phomemo account on our official website. If you already have an account, you're automatically enrolled in our membership program. Just log in to start earning and redeeming points.

3. How do I earn and redeem points?

You earn 1 point for every $1 spent on Points can be redeemed for products, discount coupons, and app memberships. Plus, you can earn additional points through activities like social media sharing and participating in events.

4. What exclusive benefits do members receive?

Members enjoy multiple benefits including:

  • 8% off on all orders (stackable with other promotions)
  • Monthly exclusive coupons
  • Welcome bonus for new members
  • Early access to new products
  • Priority customer service
  • Lifetime support
5. Can I combine multiple Phomemo accounts?

No, accounts registered with different email addresses cannot be merged, and points cannot be transferred between accounts. Please maintain a single account to maximize your membership benefits.

Earn Credits

1. How can I earn Phomemo Points? You can earn points in several ways:
  • 1 point for every $1 spent on
  • Sign up bonus: points for creating an account
  • Complete your profile information
  • Share on social media
  • Participate in special events Note: You must be logged into your account to earn points.
2. When will points be credited to my account?

Points are credited in two ways:

  • Instant Points: Activities like registration, social sharing, and profile completion earn points within 24 hours
  • Purchase Points: Points from purchases will be pending for 30 days after shipping, then automatically convert to active points. Pending points cannot be redeemed.
3. How long are my points valid?

Points are valid for one year from the date they are earned. Expired points will be automatically deducted from your account. We recommend checking your point balance regularly and redeeming points before expiration.

4. What happens to my points if I return a product or cancel an order?

Any points earned from returned or canceled orders will be deducted from your account. For partial refunds, points will be adjusted based on the final payment amount.

5. Do shipping fees and taxes earn points?

No, points are only earned on the product's purchase price. Shipping charges, taxes, and other fees are not eligible for point earnings.

Redeem Credits

1. How do I redeem my Phomemo Points?

Log in to your Phomemo account and visit the Membership page to view available rewards. Select your desired reward and click "Redeem." Your points will be automatically deducted once the redemption is confirmed. Please review your selection carefully as points cannot be refunded after redemption.

2. What can I redeem my points for?

Points can be redeemed for:

  • Discount coupons for future purchases
  • Phomemo products
  • App memberships
  • Special gifts Each reward has specific terms, including validity period and usage limits. Please check the detailed information before redeeming.
3. How can I check my redeemed rewards?

There are two ways to view your redeemed rewards:

  • Log in to your account and check "My Rewards" section
  • Check your email for redemption confirmation and reward details All active rewards will be displayed in your account dashboard.
4. Can I cancel or return redeemed rewards?

No, redemptions are final and cannot be canceled or returned once confirmed. If you receive a damaged product, please contact customer service within 7 days at [customer service email].

5. How are redeemed products shipped?

Redeemed products are shipped separately from regular purchases. Free shipping is available for most redeemed items, though some special items may incur shipping fees. Delivery typically takes up to 14 business days after redemption confirmation.